
Waste delivered to the ecopoints

Recyclable paper, metal and glass packaging can be taken to the nearest Botniarosk or Rinki eco-point. In addition to recycled paper, metal and glass packaging, cardboard packaging is also collected at Rinki eco-points. To some Rinki eco-points you may also bring plastic packaging. Some eco-points also have UFF's clothing collection bins and lockable bins for combustible waste from holiday homes.

Packaging manufacturers and importers are responsible for the recycling of packaging in Finland. Finnish Packaging Recycling Rinki Ltd handles the collection on behalf of the producers. Municipal waste companies can supplement Rinki's collection if they wish, and in our area, Botniarosk operates more than 60 eco-points under its own management. Waste is delivered to recycling centres from Rinki and Botniarosk eco-points.

Ecopoints receive:

Glas packaging

Coloured and clear glass jars and bottles.

Only when empty, remove caps and lids. Collar rings and labels do not need to be removed. Rinse dirty glass containers with cold water or wipe clean with paper.

What cannot be sorted as glass packaging?
Drinking glass, window glass, crystal glass, coffee pots, mirror glass, window glass, magnifying glass, lamps, flower vases, glass oven moulds or glass from photo frames do not belong in the glass collection.

Metal packaging and small metal items

Tins and beverage cans, corks and lids, curtain rods, metallic tubes, foils, frying pans and saucepans, aluminium moulds, tools and metallic utensils, nails, cutlery, empty aerosol cans, aluminium lids from yogurt pots and butter tubs, aluminium forms of tea lights.

You can put metal packaging and small metal objects in the metal collection container, which fit through the opening of the collection container. Metal packaging containing food must be rinsed with cold water. If you are unsure whether the waste is metal or plastic, sort it into combustible waste container.

What cannot be sorted as metal?
Chip and coffee packages, batteries, accumulators, household appliances, packaging containing residues of dangerous substances or pressure (aerosol cans).


Newspapers, advertising, envelopes (also with plastic window), catalogues, photocopying paper, white paper bags.

The paper should be clean and dry.

These do not belong in the paper collection:
Books, wrapping paper, baking tray paper, household paper, floral paper, brown paper bags (sorted as cardboard or combustible waste).

UFF clothing collection bins are available at some ecopoints

Useful clothes, home textiles, accessories, bags, shoes and toys can be brought to the UFF clothing collection bins.

The clothing should be packed in a sealed plastic bag.

These do not belong in the UFF clothing collection:
Wet, mouldy and strong-smelling textilesor textiles containing pests

Adresses of UFF clothing collection points

Locked bins for combustible waste from holiday homes are available at some ecopoints

Owners of holiday homes can, for a yearly fee, use the locked containers for combustible waste.

Read more about how to use the locked containers and where to find them

In addition to the above, the following can be left at Rinki eco-points:

carton packaging

Milk and juice cartons, biscuit boxes, breakfast cereal boxes, paper bags, boxes for toys, egg cartons, pizza boxes, sleeves from household and toilet paper, corrugated cardboard.

Dirty and wet cardboard belongs in the combustible waste bin.

Plastic packaging collection bins are available at some rinki eco-points

Empty and dry plastic packaging from households.Packages preferably flattened. Remove caps, lids, pump parts and the like and put them in the collection container separately.

Rinki-ekopisteet, joissa kerätään muovipakkauksia

UFF:n vaatekeräyslaatikot

UFF:in vaatekeräyslaatikoita löytyy tiettyjen ekopisteiden yhteydessä. UFF:in vaatekeräyslaatikkoihin voi viedä käyttökelpoisia vaatteita, kodin tekstiilejä, asusteita, laukkuja, kenkiä ja leluja.

UFF:in vaatekeräyslaatikkojen osoitteet

Vapaa-ajan asuntojen lukolliset poltettavan jätteen astiat

Vapaa-ajan asuntojen omistajat voivat halutessaan ottaa poltettavan jätteen lukolliset astiat käyttöönsä.

Lukollisten astioiden käyttöönotto ja osoitteet