Rowhouses and apartment blocks must have one or more waste bins for combustible waste. During the summer, i.e., from May to the end of September, the bins must be emptied at intervals of 1–2 weeks and at other times at intervals of 1–4 weeks. An agreement of emptying is made with a waste transport company. The waste transport company invoices the transport and treatment fee of the combustible waste.
Waste transportation companies
All households pay an eco-fee, the eco-fee is a basic fee for waste management in accordance with the Waste Act and is invoiced by Botniarosk.
You can read more about the eco-fee here
Separate collection of bio-waste
Separate collection of packaging waste
In addition to the types of waste listed above, paper is also collected from rowhouses and apartment blocks in the manner prescribed in Sections 49 and 50 of the Waste Act. Encore Environmental Services are responsible for the gathering of paper waste.
Daily waste from the household, that cannot be recycled, is placed in the waste container for combustible waste.
Waste that is sorted as combustible waste.
Hazardous waste, electrical and electronic waste, landfill waste, recyclable waste and larger objects, such as furniture, are taken to a recycling station.
Waste received at the recycling stations.
The addresses and opening hours of the recycling stations
If the residential building is in a rural area or is located in an urban area, but consists of less than 5 apartments, separate collection of paper and packaging waste is not required, these types of waste can be taken to the nearest ecopoint.
Waste paper, metal and glass packaging can be taken to the nearest Botniarosk ecopoint or Rinki ecopoint. In addition to paper, metal and glass packaging, cardboard packaging is also collected at the Rinki eco-points.
The addresses of the ecopoints
To some Rinki ecopoints you can also bring plastic packaging.
What belongs to plastic packaging
Rinki eco-points with collection for plastic packaging.
Large quantities of waste are delivered to the waste center in Teuva. Household waste, that does not belong in the waste bin at the residential building or at the ecopoints, is mainly delivered to the recycling station. As a rule of thumb, a car trailer with waste belongs at the recycling station, while a tractor trailer with a single type of waste is left at the waste center.
Waste received at the waste centre