
The following waste can be sorted as bio-waste:

·       left-overs

·       spoiled foods

·       fruit and vegetable peels

·       solid fats

·       liquid fats and cooking oil (absorbed in paper or in a sealed milk can)

·       coffee and tea sump

·       filter paper

·       paper towels, napkins, paper handkerchiefs

·       small bones

·       plant parts, wilted flowers, cut flowers

·       eggcartons etc.

Where is bio-waste collected separately?

The sorting of bio-waste applies to buildings with five or more flats in urban areas.


What kind of bag can I collect bio-waste in?

We recommend using paper bags for bio-waste as they break down better than biodegradable plastic bags. Bio-waste bags can be collected free of charge from the recycling stations during their opening hours. Bio-waste can also be collected in e.g. an empty flour bag or a paper bag of folded newspapers.


What happens to the bio-waste?

The bio-waste is transported to Stormossen's bio-waste facility, where the bio-waste is reused as raw material for compost soil and environmentally friendly vehicle fuel.